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The Hoya

Georgetown University’s Newspaper of Record since 1920

The Hoya

Georgetown University’s Newspaper of Record since 1920

The Hoya

What We’ve Enjoyed While at Home


HomeFor a Georgetown student, breaks from school can sometimes feel few and far between. So, as the first holiday break of the school year, Thanksgiving provided the perfect chance to travel home and recharge for a few days. Before returning to the Hilltop, let’s look back and savor the moments we enjoyed this weekend:

Sleeping in Your Own Bed

Unless you are the Muggle twin of Harry Potter and you sleep under the staircase, seeing your bed for the first time in three months is an unforgettable experience of love. Think about that mattress that comforted you throughout all those years. Or those sheets (really, though, those sheets!), which covered you in a clean sandwich of cozy cloth. But what about that pillow (that PILLOW!) that didn’t care when you fluffed it for max fluff or flipped it to the cool side because all it wanted was to provide your head stability and care? And please don’t tell me that you forgot about that comforter (THAT COMFORTER) that your parents got you so long ago that you can’t remember spending a day or night without it. It’s played such a significant role in your life that you should consider sitting next to it in this year’s holiday card! Your bed loves you and don’t you ever forget it!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Home

There are so many different ways to celebrate Thanksgiving, but they all include huge amounts of food. Ranging from classics like turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie to more personalized additions like my cousin’s beautiful lasagna or my same cousin’s grandma’s coveted stuffed peppers, these foods pile up to be quite the feast for the hungry college kid. Regardless of which foods are or are not available to your Thanksgiving smorgasbord, the Hoyas who went home for Thanksgiving dinner can all agree that we needed this meal. The copious amounts of home-cooked or semi-fresh store-bought meals and even the sheer availability of utensils and cups that don’t stick together ensured that we had a better meal than we would have had at Leo’s.

Black Friday Shopping/Sleeping

Even before the turkey gets put in the oven, people are buzzing over Black Friday sales. Conveniently for anybody searching for information regarding Black Friday, Rebecca Black’s hit song “Friday” really hits the capitalist nail on the head here. “Seein’ everything, time is goin’/ Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’!” sings Black, almost as if she were in a Walmart this hectic Friday, trying to clear her Christmas list early. Surprisingly, this “gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal” attitude emboldens shoppers to go so far as to line up to shop at midnight.

While everybody is entitled to subject themselves to the mania of Black Friday, if any of you Hoyas are like me, you chose sleep over sales. You may have to buy that new pair of shoes at full price, but at least you will have your dignity.

(Writer’s Note: Sorry for the Rebecca Black plug, but props to the girl for being the only thing found in my google search for ‘black’ ‘friday’ ‘gifs’.)

Seeing Friends for the First Time in Forever

Finally, after three whole months, you can finally see your old friends that you left behind. For some of you, you have been waiting for this moment since you left your hometown for Georgetown. Thanksgiving is all about taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and remembering (even thanking!) those people who give our lives meaning. For others though, you may be dreading a return to the days of braces, acne and overall high school awkwardness. But, come on! You’ve gotta rack up some stories for the five-year reunion. And if you lose your high school friend base, who will you have to brag to about the fact that you are a Hoya?

Spending Time with the Family

Now for the gushy part. Although the Hilltop provides us with so many people to be thankful for, not everybody who made us who we are today lives there. Your family, to whatever degree, has shaped the person you are and for that you had better be thankful! Don’t lie: They might be weird, annoying and/or embarrassing, but they’re still family. You don’t get to see them all the time, so be thankful for every chance you get!

From all of us at 4E, we hope you had a great break at home!

Photos/Gifs: Tumblr, Westallrealestate
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